
The first day in classroom, there are many questions about Multimedia Technology in globalization.  Teacher gave and my friends answer question of this subject
1.      List computer technology you have used in your study. What are they used for?
Ø  e-learning used learn language  lesson, practice  to listen  and thinking skill
Ø  Website (Internet) to search important information for my assignment
2.      List you favorite website. How often do you use them? What can you learn from that website?
Ø –to learn trough the videos around the world
Ø -  to search the  information  for my study
Ø – to search  the  information
Ø – website for learn teaching skill
3.      What computer technology will you used in your classroom? Why?
Ø  to used in classroom for students
Ø  CAI – used for learn language and  lesson computer by self
ESOL    = English for speakers of Other Languages
TESOL =Teaching English to speakers of Other Languages
ELL       = English Language Learner(s)
PDF     =Portable Document Format (Adobe Acrobat)

   Then I learned articles about “Innovative Educational Technology in the Global Classroom”, “Thinking on the Application of Multimedia into College English Teaching” and “On the Problems and Strategies of multimedia Technology in English Teaching”

“Innovative Educational Technology in the Global Classroom”
This article written by Deoksoon Kim about   teachnology in the classrooms.
Ø Blogging
Blogs  are online commentary,personal reflections,or news on particular subject. Studentscan include  text, graphics,PDF files, pictures,and links to other blogs, Webpages, and other social media.
Ø Podcasting
Podcast internet-based audio programs available for download that allow  the listenerto play the audio through acomputer or on an MP3 player.
Ø Creating a  Wiki
Teachers suggested teaching methods and activities to their classmates via a wiki in Blackboard or another program or
Ø Online Discussion

“Thinking on the Application of Multimedia into College English Teaching”
      It tell about  Mutimedia teaching method usefulness  in English classrooms. It beneficial to improve their ability of communication.
The last one….

“On the Problems and Strategies of multimedia Technology in English Teaching”
This arcticle by Jun Xu that tell us about……….
Problem from Application of Mutimedia Technology
Ø Major Means Replaced  by the Assisting One
Ø Loss of Speaking communication
Ø The Shinking of Students’  Thinking Potential
Ø Abstract Thinking Replaced by Imaginal thinking
Suggestions and Strategies to the Existing  Problems
Ø The Beauty of Courseware is not  the Sole  Pursuits
Ø The Computer Screen can’ t substitute the Blackboard
Ø Poweer  Point can not  Take  the Place of  Student ‘s Thinking  and Practice.
Ø Traditional teaching Instruments and Devices should not be  Overlooked.
Ø Mutimedia Technology should not  be  Overused

In addition I learn about………
Mindjet Mind Manager
  It can helps to make and present a mind mapping in the classroom.
 Adobe Captivate 4 Program

    “Theoretical and Practical Applications of Emergent Technology in ELT Classrooms; How the ‘Blog' Can Change English Language Teaching"
**Benefits of Using Blogs in ELT Classrooms

        At this point, the reader may ask, "What are the benefits of using this technology if I do not know much about it?"  The following reasons will assist in answering that question.  The reasons used below are by no means exhaustive; they merely serve as a starting point to move teachers in the right direction.
  • Using technology is exciting for the learner.  English language learners like to use and take part in activities that are familiar to them.  More often than not, the learner is already using technology or is eager to learn.  The technology represents a ‘fun' and ‘interesting' activity.
  • Because blogs are a form of publishing, the learner will be ‘published.' The idea that a learner can publish their thoughts and ideas for the world to see is an exciting opportunity for the learner and the teacher. "A contraction of the term ‘Web logging,' blogging can best be described as a form of micropublishing" (Roberts, 2004).
  • It creates a forum for the learner to be an individual. As mentioned above, each learner will be an ‘author.'  For some learners that is a scary idea, but some of the quieter, more introverted learners are yearning for a stage of their own.
  • Teacher feedback can be given instantly in the form of comments or as a response to what the learner has written. When the teacher posts a comment to an entry, the learner can read the comment instantly and even reply to the teachers posting.  Learners of English need a lot of feedback and encouragement, and blogging would be an easy way to give them that ‘instant' feedback they need.
  • Gives the learner confidence and pride in their work. The learner can edit/delete/save their work.  It is dated and logged chronologically.  This allows students to actually see the progress they are making in English.  Consequently, this will give them pride and increase their confidence in using the language.
  • The teacher, as administrator, has control over the content of the blog. With blogging technology, the administrator (teacher) has sole management of the site.  The teacher can add or delete entries as they see fit.  They can also decide who can and cannot be a member of the blog.
  • Can lead to a life-long habit of journaling for the learner. Through the use of blogs, learners should acquire a habit that is positive and will enable them to continue to grow in self knowledge and the knowledge of the world around them.
  • Makes the learner more prepared for future educational and professional opportunities. While aiding with their English, the teacher is also assisting the learner to obtain new skills that will be very important in future educational and professional opportunities. The skills learned while blogging such as typing, editing, putting thoughts into words are essential for success beyond the ELT classroom.  The learners will be able to use these skills throughout school and in the workplace.
  • Uses prior skills and knowledge (for some learners) and creates an opportunity for them to put that knowledge and skills to use in an academic setting. Many learners are already using the relevant technology at home or in school so blogging will enable them to express themselves in a medium in which they are familiar.
  • Provides an opportunity to individualize instruction for multi-leveled classes. In most, if not all ELT classes, there are learners with varying levels of English.  Blogging allows for differentiation.
  • Allows for flexibility in the schedule of the learner and teacher. Being the very nature of the Internet, there are no set hours of operation (it never closes).  So the learners can ‘log on' at any time of the day or night.  Learners can use blogs whenever they are in the writing mood.  The same applies to the teacher.
This is not to suggest that an instructor should abandon journaling on paper. Blogs can simply add much-needed variety for the learners in the ELT classroom.  Blogs are a great tool in the ELT teachers' repertoire.

Limitations and Possible Fixes of Blogs for Educational Use

With every activity in the ELT setting there are drawbacks and constraints.  Blogs are no exception.  The following list of reasons is also not exhaustive, but highlights some of the most obvious limitations to using Blogs, and how a teacher might work around them.
  • Connection options. What happens when the learners cannot access the Internet at home or school, or their connection speeds are too slow to handle the information being passed along?  Teachers who want to add blogging to their curriculum will immediately pose this question.  As in other forms of teaching, instructors must always have a contingency plan.  For example, some teachers might choose to allow students to work in pairs or small groups, while other teachers might arrange alternative options for individual students.
  • Software is not user-friendly. If the teacher has piloted this web-logging package, then the potential problems in user-friendliness should have been assessed; however, there is still the possibility of problems with some users.  The teacher will need to be prepared to do some scaffolding and one-to-one tutoring for learners that have difficulty or lack prior experience.
  • Some learners and teachers lack typing skills. Some learners do not know how to type.  Some students may not even want to learn.  Ask the learner to have a try and if he or she is still have too much trouble, then more scaffolding from the teacher or assistance from a student stronger with typing skills.
  • Some learners are ‘technophobes.' As mentioned earlier, a technophobe is someone afraid to use technology.  This may not be a problem with most young learners, but if a teacher is working with older learners of English, then it might become an issue.  An easy way around this problem is for the teacher to plan on more scaffolding than with a younger group of learners.  Modeling the appropriate behavior and adding in support where needed will help to soften the shock on the technophobe.
  • Lack of computer availability. Some of the learners will not have access to a computer.  One way to handle this is to clarify the hours for the school computer lab.  If there is a computer in the classroom, the teacher can arrange a schedule for learners' to use the computer(s).
  • Learners cannot understand the instructions on the website. This will be a problem area for the vast majority of English language learners.  Because of their lack of interaction with the language the learner will struggle.  This is where scaffolding is very important.  It is also important that the teacher add extra demonstration time for the class.  Being patient with the learner is also important during this foundational phase in their online learning.
  • Time constraints for the teacher. The first attempt at running a blog with the students will probably be the most time consuming for the ELT teacher. "It should be said that the undertaking of an online journal project [blog] requires the teacher to have a certain amount of time available" (Stanley, 2004).  However, as the students and the teacher become more familiar with the format and the system, they will all become more comfortable and the time involved with decrease.
Just like any other teaching activity or assignment, blogging has some limitations.  However, these limitations should not outweigh the benefits of blogging.  If the ELT teacher is committed and invested into making this project work, both the students and the teacher will benefit.

Summary and Conclusion

In conclusion, the benefits of blogging far outweigh the pitfalls.  Ease of use and clean appearance are making the blog a major force on the Internet.  Therefore, not just the teachers teaching English language learners but any teacher need to stay up-to-date with educational trends and should stay abreast with emergent technology that will drive this information age for years to come.  Technology and education should go hand-in-hand and should not be separated because undoubtedly the learner will always use technology.  Blogs are a great tool to achieve many goals for English language learners and, in the long term, what all teachers desire, authentic learning.  With or without blogs, teachers of English language learners need to remember the goal of what they are doing.  Educating is the number one priority.
Blogs may not replace the traditional ‘hand-written' journals, but then again they might.  However, the more options teachers offer learners; the more the needs of learners are met.  The ELT classroom setting needs to evolve, and for many, blogs will be the first step in that evolution.  By selecting the best attributes from the past experience and looking forward to the future will produce the strongest ELT instruction.  Now is the time to take action and use technology to meet the ever-growing needs of English language learners.

Read more:
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Blood, R., (2000). Weblogs: A History and Perspective. Rebecca's Pocket, September, 2000.  Online: (access date: April 2004).
Blood, R., (2003). Ten Tips for a Better Weblog. Rebecca's Pocket, March, 2003.  Online: (access date: April 2004).

          Exercise: acronyms
Directions: Find words or phrases standing for the following acronyms with  short descriptions.
1.  IT 
           IT    stands for information technology 
2.  ICT 
           ICT  stands  for Information and Communication Technology 
3.  CAI   
           CAI stands for  Computer Aided Instruction
4.  CALL 
           CALL stands for  Computer-assisted language learning   
5.  WBI  
           WBI  stands for Web Base Instruction     
6.  CBI
            CBI is short for Computer- Based Instruction
7.  CMC 
            CMC  stands for Computer Mediated Communications
8.  TELL  
            TELL stands for   Technology Enhanced Language Learning
9.  MUD 
             MUD is short for   Multi User Domains
10. MOO 
              MOO is  short  for  MUDO bject Oriented

Directions: Describe the following terms.
1.     Synchronous Tools
            Synchronous tools enable real-time communication and collaboration in a "same time-different place" mode. These tools allow people to connect at a single point in time, at the same time. Synchronous tools possess the advantage of being able to engage people instantly and at the same point in time. The primary drawback of synchronous tools is that, by definition, they require same-time participation -different time zones and conflicting schedules can create communication challenges.
2.     Asynchronous Tools
     Asynchronous tools enable communication and collaboration over a period of time through a "different time-different place" mode. These tools allow people to connect together at each person's own convenience and own schedule. Asynchronous tools are useful for sustaining dialogue and collaboration over a period of time and providing people with resources and information that are instantly accessible, day or night. Asynchronous tools possess the advantage of being able to involve people from multiple time zones. In addition, asynchronous tools are helpful in capturing the history of the interactions of a group, allowing for collective knowledge to be more easily shared and distributed. The primary drawback of asynchronous technologies is that they require some discipline to use when used for ongoing communities of practice (e.g., people typically must take the initiative to "login" to participate) and they may feel "impersonal" to those who prefer higher-touch synchronous technologies.